Geotechnical Engineering

Anchor QEA’s geotechnical engineering staff provide specialized waterfront expertise supporting projects nationwide. We develop and conduct cost-effective geotechnical field exploration programs at sites with challenging access issues along the shoreline and over water. In addition, we provide engineering support for various waterfront facilities and structures, including bulkheads, piers, docks, bridges, and foundations for adjacent upland structures.

Anchor QEA also provides geotechnical engineering for levee and dam design and construction. Our geotechnical engineers play a key role in the evaluation and design of habitat restoration, shoreline stabilization, and contaminated sediment remedies. We assess soft sediment conditions and develop design approaches and construction techniques that maintain stability during and after remediation. Anchor QEA geotechnical engineers have successfully designed and installed pier foundations in soft marine sediments, new and rehabilitated earthen dams and levees, access roads through soft marsh environments, and remedial caps on very low-strength contaminated sediments, and ensured that remedial and restoration measures did not impact nearby slopes and structures.

Get in Touch

Rebecca Desrosiers PhotoFor inquiries about Anchor QEA’s engineering capabilities, please contact:

Rebecca Desrosiers, PE, Principal Engineer
Engineering Practice Lead |