
Anchor QEA provides comprehensive hydrogeological services, differentiated by our industry-leading expertise in groundwater-surface water interactions, advanced porewater sampling methods, high-resolution site characterization, groundwater flow and solute transport modeling, and biogeochemical reactive transport evaluation. We support subsurface contamination investigation and remediation, construction site dewatering, groundwater supply development, stormwater and treated municipal wastewater infiltration, aquifer storage and recovery, and dam stability. In addition, we are experts in the quantitative assessment of NAPL mobility in porous and fractured media. We also offer a wide range of specialized laboratory services, including bench-scale experiments, column tests, and chemistry analyses—which are not generally available through commercial laboratories—at our in-house Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory.

Get in Touch

For inquiries about Anchor QEA’s Environmental Science capabilities, please contact:

Daniel Opdyke, Senior Managing Engineer
Environmental Sciences Practice Lead |