Risk Assessment

Anchor QEA staff provide comprehensive risk assessment services to evaluate baseline risks to human health and the environment. Our technical staff are experienced in understanding site-specific exposure and bioavailability of constituents of concern and developing risk-based cleanup levels. Working as part of Anchor QEA’s environmental sciences discipline, our scientists and toxicologists integrate with Anchor QEA staff experienced in hydrogeology, environmental modeling, environmental chemistry, statistics, aquatic or terrestrial ecology, and a variety of other specialty fields to ensure that all components of a risk assessment are completed in an integrated, efficient manner. In addition to ecological and human health risk assessments, our areas of expertise include dredged material characterization studies, bioavailability evaluations, benthic community assessments, bioaccumulation modeling, sediment biological testing, Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) support, and natural resource damage assessment (NRDA).

Get in Touch

For inquiries about Anchor QEA’s Environmental Science capabilities, please contact:

Daniel Opdyke, Senior Managing Engineer
Environmental Sciences Practice Lead
dopdyke@anchorqea.com |