Endangered Species Act endangered species act ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT Anchor QEA has extensive expertise preparing documentation to support ESA compliance (including biological assessments, biological evaluations, and biological opinions) and working directly with USACE, USFWS, and NOAA Fisheries to support formal and informal consultation efforts. We are also experienced in completing special evaluations for projects on lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau […] Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
NEPA/SEPA/CEQA Services nepa/sepa/ceqa services NEPA/SEPA/CEQA SERVICES Anchor QEA has a strong reputation with clients and regulators for developing and executing solid NEPA, SEPA and CEQA compliance strategies for many complex projects, including water infrastructure, restoration design and assessment, and fish passage evaluations. Our experience includes managing large-scale joint and separate NEPA, SEPA and CEQA EISs along with Environmental Assessments and Environmental Checklists. […] Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Wetland Delineation and Assessment wetland delineation and assessment WETLAND DELINEATION AND ASSESSMENT Anchor QEA offers a variety of freshwater and estuarine wetland assessment and delineation services for seasonal wetlands, associated marshes, riparian communities, and tidal and subtidal habitats throughout the country. We also perform wetland and stream delineations and jurisdictional determinations, assess project impacts on wetlands and habitat, and prepare mitigation plans to restore disturbed and degraded […] Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Water Resources water resources WATER RESOURCES Anchor QEA works for public agencies and special-purpose districts to effectively plan for and manage water resources. We work with large water users, such as irrigation districts, hydroelectric plants, and municipalities that balance water needs with natural resource needs such as instream flows, recreation, and wetland preservation. We effectively communicate with multiple stakeholders on difficult […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
Water Quality water quality WATER QUALITY Anchor QEA provides water quality services for freshwater, estuarine, and marine systems in a variety of regulatory frameworks. We design real-time and long-term water quality monitoring systems, and we model water quality under a variety of scenarios. We work on numerous types of sites, from relatively pristine watersheds to developed, industrialized, and urban areas, and […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
Stormwater Management stormwater management STORMWATER MANAGEMENT One of Anchor QEA’s key areas of expertise is water quality management, including stormwater and industrial wastewater permit and infrastructure planning, evaluation, design, and implementation. Our engineers, scientists, and permitting professionals have an in-depth understanding of the Clean Water Act regulatory framework, including NPDES program elements and water quality standards under various NPDES permits throughout […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
Site Strategy and Process Planning site strategy and process planning SITE STRATEGY AND PROCESS PLANNING Anchor QEA has represented municipal and industrial clients in some of the most contentious and complex sediment and water quality problems in the nation including mercury, PCBs, and other contaminants. We develop sound technical strategies for site characterization, risk assessment, sediment remedial design, and habitat restoration and present them to regulatory agencies and other stakeholders. […] Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Sediment Management sediment management SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT Anchor QEA sediment management specialists work with industrial clients, potentially responsible party (PRP) groups, ports, and public sector clients whose issues range from dredged material management at small and large sites to cleanup strategies for large and complex Superfund sites. Our dredging/disposal expertise covers all aspects needed for successful implementation, including sediment characterization, regulatory and […]
Risk Assessment risk assessment RISK ASSESSMENT Anchor QEA staff provides comprehensive risk assessment services to evaluate baseline risks to human health and the environment. Our technical staff is experienced in understanding site-specific exposure and bioavailability of constituents of concern and developing risk-based cleanup levels. Working as part of Anchor QEA’s environmental sciences discipline, our scientists and toxicologists integrate with Anchor QEA […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Public, Agency, and Tribal Facilitation public, agency, and tribal facilitation PUBLIC, AGENCY, AND TRIBAL FACILITATION Effective communications with the public, agencies and tribes is often a significant component of Anchor QEA’s projects. We design public involvement strategies for our client’s projects using a full range of communication tools to provide information to the public and key stakeholders. Our approach of developing a full understanding of the issues with all stakeholders […] Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Permitting and Regulatory Compliance permitting and regulatory compliance PERMITTING AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE Anchor QEA provides comprehensive environmental review and permitting services for a variety of marine, freshwater, and upland projects and we help our clients navigate the increasingly complex agency consultation processes. We have extensive expertise in preparing environmental and permitting documentation to support federal, state, and local regulations, ranging from compliance with local critical areas ordinances […] Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Environmental Modeling environmental modeling ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING Anchor QEA works with a wide range of models to understand environmental processes. We have expertise in the most up-to-date surface water and groundwater models used to simulate contaminant dynamics, and in developing and evaluating flux and loading for a range of constituents. Our diverse modeling experience allows us to select and apply the appropriate […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
Mitigation Planning mitigation planning MITIGATION PLANNING Anchor QEA has the specialized expertise to identify, design and implement compensatory mitigation actions for unavoidable project impacts. Anchor QEA provides expertise for all phases of the mitigation process, starting with baseline habitat assessments including marine, estuarine, and freshwater habitat characterization along with wetland reconnaissance and delineation. We understand how to accurately document avoidance and […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Landscape Architecture landscape architecture LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Anchor QEA’s landscape architects focus on creating places where people and the environment mutually benefit. Our emphasis on shoreline and water resource projects provides diverse opportunities to integrate landscape architecture, shoreline public access, and habitat restoration. We focus on habitat restoration/mitigation design for wetlands, streams, estuaries, and lake and marine shorelines; shoreline public access design; […] Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION
Hydrodynamic Modeling hydrodynamic modeling HYDRODYNAMIC MODELING Our experience in hydrodynamic modeling ranges from analysis of small sites to watershed-scale delineations and water quantity allocations. We evaluate runoff sources and quantities, assess the feasibility of design options, evaluate the effectiveness of water quality best management practices, and simulate the fate and transport of contaminants to receiving waters. We link these applications to […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
Habitat Restoration habitat restoration HABITAT RESTORATION Our technical expertise and experience in civil and hydraulic engineering, fluvial geomorphology, estuarine ecology, wetland ecology, and fisheries science allows us to design, permit, and construct highly successful habitat restoration and mitigation projects. We provide a full suite of fish and wildlife habitat mitigation/restoration services for rivers, streambanks/shorelines, riparian, and nearshore environments. We design and […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
Groundwater groundwater GROUNDWATER Anchor QEA hydrogeologists are experienced in characterizing the subsurface fate and transport of chemicals in a wide range of geologic settings. Our groundwater expertise spans various industries including former manufactured gas plants (MGPs), wood products manufacturing, chemical manufacturing, microelectronics, energy generation and distribution, and petroleum refining. In addition, upland sites with contaminated groundwater can serve […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
Geotechnical Engineering geotechnical engineering GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Anchor QEA’s geotechnical engineering staff provide specialized waterfront expertise supporting projects nationwide. We develop and conduct cost-effective geotechnical field exploration programs at sites with challenging access issues along the shoreline and over water. In addition, we provide engineering support for various waterfront facilities and structures, including bulkheads, piers, docks, bridges and foundations for adjacent upland […]
Geochemistry Laboratory Services geochemistry laboratory services GEOCHEMISTRY LABORATORY SERVICES Anchor QEA’s Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory (EGL) is equipped for performing a wide range of experimental studies — from soil/sediment characterization for fate and transport properties to treatability studies and remedial design support for in situ remediation technologies. Facilities include controlled atmosphere anaerobic chambers, flow-through column arrays, and passive porewater sampling systems. Our long-standing collaborations with […] Environmental Science environmental-science environmental science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE
Fisheries and Field Studies fisheries and field studies FISHERIES AND FIELD STUDIES Anchor QEA provides an array of fisheries expertise including fish passage evaluations, regulatory compliance, hydraulic modeling, habitat restoration, hatchery mitigation, and data solutions. Our fisheries scientists are recognized experts and have designed and implemented fisheries studies and models to support the permitting process for large, complex infrastructure projects, as well as fish passage, off-channel reconnection, […] Planning and Restoration planning-and-restoration planning and restoration PLANNING AND RESTORATION